Helen specialises in IT Training and has an excellent reputation for helping people gain IT qualifications in Word Processing. . She also offers training in MS Office, Adobe Photoshop and iWorks providing affordable IT training to community groups and business teams.
Helen was not getting many enquiries from her old website and she felt it looked very old and outdated, certainly not reflective of someone in the IT business. She felt it was time to bring her business into the 'cutting edge' of the interwebs where she belonged.
I put in place a fully responsive (mobile friendly) and contemporary design combined with a robust coding platform based on laravel to ensure a reliable fast and secure browsing experience. In addition I setup a number of advertising campaigns on both google and facebook in order to build up some traffic as we waited for google to rank the new site organically.
The site received an increase in enquiries during the initial stages of the campaigns. We were eventually able to dial down the ad spend as the organic search traffic increased enormously following the redesign and rebuild of the website mainly as a result of a very google friendly build. Helen continues to receive enquiries from the website regularly and is delighted with the investment she made in her business.